Good afternoon New Jersey, A large winter storm of "epic" proportions is on it's way to the Northeast. The blizzard has been nicknamed Nemo but don't let that name fool you because we are in for a storm of the ages that we'll be talking about for years to come. Nemo is making its way from the Midwest. The storm is scattering some rain/freezing rain in the Chicagoland area which will turn to snow later this afternoon. By Friday afternoon when the winter storm travels East to the Atlantic coast the stars will align for an avalanche of snow that will stay overhead until Sunday morning.
Meteorologists are predicting that on Friday and Saturday that snow will be coming down at 2 inches per hour. That's a HUGE blanket of snow considering the coverage area is the entire Northeast region. Everywhere from North New Jersey to New York is under a winter storm watch and will get a light dusting. The real heavy snowfall will be in New England where predictions are in the 2+ feet range.
J.D. Carton & Son has weathered out some unforgiving winter storms in our 60 year history. We know a blizzard when we see it and have some advice on approaching an upcoming snowpocalypse (not necessarily in order): 1. Buy supplies: food, non-perishable food, water, batteries and other things that your home may need if you're snowed in.
2. Have shovels and snow blowers on standby: when the storm has taken it's course you'll probably have a boatload of snow to remove from drives and sidewalks.
3. Vehicles: fill up your gas too FULL. The last thing you ever want to happen when waiting in traffic is to run out of gas. You'll never forgive yourself if this happens to you (and neither will your spouse). Plus while you're at the gas station get an extra tank of gas for your snow blower.
4. Respect your elders: if you have elderly neighbors that can't get around it would mean a lot to them if you checked in on them. Before you head out for supplies knock on their doors and see if they need anything from the storm.
5. Stay indoors: diving on roadways should be reserved for emergency cases. The fewer people we have on the roads the better it will be for congestion. The plows and sand spreading trucks will have tons of square feet of snow to take care of.
When preparing for the upcoming storm be sure that all 5 of these reminders make it on your list. Some people welcome the fluffy white flakes. Others despise the snowfall. No matter if you enjoy making snowmen or staying warm indoors we all need to stay vigilant and stay together through this storm.
The storm this weekend will most likely be something we talk about for years to come. Where were you when Snowpocalypse 2013 hit the Northeast? Hopefully not abandoning your car on the highway.
Make some hot cocoa and snuggle up to a fireplace,

J.D. Carton & Son
125 E. Halsey Road
Parsippany, NJ 07054
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